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Brand-New Course in collaboration with Bloom Music!


We are excited to present to you brand-new course "Music Business Management" in collaboration with Bloom Music:

Tutors team: Tevdore Makashvili / Jaba Shavishvili / Mirian Kululashvili

Duration: 2 months

Hours: 4 hours per week

Price: 700 GEL

Language: Georgian


Currently in the world music industry is wider than it was 20 years ago. Today it is a multibillion industry covering millions of people of different professions. Digital revolution, together with everything else, changed the structure and acting methods of this industry. Accordingly, many professionals of this trend of activity had to adapt with this new model to for achieving success which is the most of the people’s desire.

We can admit that in Georgia we are on the first stage of transition of music industry. During last 10 years when the transition and activity had started, we received a good outcome in many trends, but in the remaining part we have to do much more.

The Course “Music Business Management” aims to be conducive to making the people interested in music industry professionals in this sphere. We will share with our students theoretical and practical knowledge about what is modern music industry, what are its challenges, necessities, what needs the musician and how the art management team will help him in achieving his goals, managing his career himself, generate income and what skills he will develop for fulfilling his wishes.

The Course will cover such basic issues of music industry as music industries legal, financing, marketing, ethical and creative issues. After the completion of the Course students will have worked out all practical skills and theoretical knowledge that will assist him in satisfy his interests in music industry locally as well as globally.

For whom is destined this Course?

This Course is for those people who are either who is already included in music industry or wishes to be included in it in other trends of it for obtaining position of label, art management, booker, or live industry representative. Also the Course is for musicians who wishes to be more fastidious in the full process of modern music industry, full process of its functionality starting with the realization of music creative work and ending with management of rights which will enable them to effectively manage their career.

What will you learn during the Course?

  • Structure and dynamics of music industry sectors, their structures and dynamics.

  • Realization of author rights and adjacent rights and finding ways of monetarization and popularization in the epoch of Internet.

  • Prospects of music industry players: publishers, labels, bookers, etc. Specifics of their activities and prospects of collaboration with them.

  • Working knowledge in music industry of contacts, legislation, and knowledge about innovational business, music management, music edition in the sector of practice events.

  • Models of International music markets.

  • The newest tactics and instruments for successful musician’s branding and social marketing and social media marketing.

  • Management of events and planning tours.

  • Definition of basic functions and commitments in the artist’s team.

  • Acquaintance with the executing equipment and the leader.

  • Possibilities of bearing out of recorded music on market and its distribution.

  • Management of music projects.

About the lecturers:

Mirian Kululashvili

Mirian Kululashvili is one of the first lawyer of so called Entertainment Law, who has more the 11 years’ experience of working as author and adjacent lawyer in collective management sphere. He has degree of magister as in Tbilisi State University as in Netherlands best Radbaoud University.

Founding Georgian Record’s label’s well known “Bravo Record” Mirian was heading its juridical office. During the years he also was Tbilisi Town Hall’s lawyer of Culture Service and consultant of author’s rights.

Besides author’s rights sphere Mirian Kululashvili successfully worked in the sphere of artists and event management. He was Georgian Rock group The Mins’s and Trip Hop Duo’s manager. In the trend of event managements participated in a number of important events, as local, as International. In 2017 Mirian was the only Georgian assistant of Kids Eurovision. During the years he also was Annual “Wings for Life World Run’s” stage manager.

Currently Mirian Kululashvili is one of the most qualified lawyer in the sphere of Author’s Rights in Georgian music industry. He has published articles about collective managements on author’s right and adjacent rights.

Tevdore Makashvili

Tevdore Makashvili is experienced more than 10 years in the sphere of artists and event management. In 2014-2019 he was a manager of Loudspeaker, when the band became one of the leading music project on Georgian stage. During the period conquered all Georgian stages and also participated in a number of scaled festivals in Georgia and abroad.

From 2019 Tevdore became the manager of Killages group when the band just starting appearing. Owing to him the band became one of the most favorite music project.

Tevdore is also a founder of “Funday Entertainment” company and as its finder he coordinates different local and International events, among them Nneka, Emily Wells, Konoba and supports the visit of different foreign artists to Georgia.

From 2021 Tevdore is Tbilisi State Conservatoire’s invited lecturer where he gives lectures on artist management.

Jaba Shavishvili

Jaba Shavishvili is a music journalist, leading radio commentator and a specialist of digital media, who has more than 10 year experience in music industry.

He actively interested in music during his childhood, when developed Internet allowed him to get acquainted with different music styles. Since then music became his the main focus of his life. Then he acquainted with the unknown for him Georgian alternative music and started to collected it disseminating and categorizing it, that, as a result, it ended as the You tube channel dedicated to Georgian music. Since obtaining audio, textual and video information, he analyzed it was his first attempt to become a music journalist.

Except his main activities, meaning management of digital projects, from 2014 he actively writes for different online publishers: among them: Marketer, Tsa Music, Vertigo, and Digital Culture.

From 2016 he creates Daira Podcast for collecting selection of Georgian producers, DJs and music enthusiasts.

From 2017 he is a member of SOU Festival team, during which Georgia visited such musicians are: Bjork, Robert Henke, Alva Noto, William Basinski and others. In the same year he led a course of music journalism in the Creative Management School “Vertigo”.

From 2018 in “Radio City” he led weekly program “Rewind”, and from 2019 is an active contributor of Tbilisi online Radio “Mutant Radio” with the monthly program “Digger” and mixed series about complex music.

From 2020 he leads the Course in CES about “Music Journalism” on the base of it was formed a music publishing issue “Dancing Architecture”.

From 2021 he is a co-founder of Music Company “Bloom Music” which offers artists services of management, digital distribution and synchronization. “Bloom Music” in Georgia is an exclusive partner of “Sony Music Publishing”. From 2021 Jaba is a co-founder of “Georgian Music Heritage”-is label. This label is responsible for recording independent Georgian recordings and issuing them on disks.


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