Digital Sketching
Tutor: Lado Kobakhidze
Duration: 3 month
Hours: 4 hours per week
Price: 1290 GEL
Language: Georgian
Related Courses: ABC of Graphic Design / Advanced Graphic Design / UI/UX
This 3-month course covers theoretical and practical parts of digital sketching, in which students will learn about traditional and modern tendencies sketching trends, master the method of digital sketching.
Within the 3-month course, covering 24 lessons will be divided into 4 stages.
Stage one: Basic principles of traditional sketching:
* Ability to build perspective / perception of space.
* Segmentation/anatomy of the object.
* Distribution of composition.
* Perception of shape and volume through a marker.
Stage two: basic principles of digital sketching:
* Method of digital sketching and ways of using auxiliary digital tools.
* Process of sketching using Sketchbook / Photoshop.
* Role of digital sketching in the process of design elaboration/method of visual development of the idea.
Stage three: ability/skill of forming a shape:
* Ability of perceiving reflection and shades / surface finish.
* Sketch environment/scenario.
* Analysis of various outstanding concept artists and designers (source of inspiration).
Stage four:
* 2D Rendering to convey an idea as realistically as possible(according to shape, style and material).
Target group:
Artists, designers, students aiming to master high professional sketching skills, which includes both traditional and modern (digital) applications and methods, as well as professional development of the design and creative process.