Dancing on Architecture is Independent online music publishing, which was formed by CES Music Journalism Course students in 2020. It is one of the few examples in Georgia that focuses solely on music and Aims to help local music scene to get more news coverage in country. Other than text based articles, DOA brings different mixes, selections and live musical gatherings in Tbilisi, to push musical journalism, as a medium for self-expression.
Find news, reviews, interviews & project on our dedicated website Dancing On Architecture
Dancing on Architecture presenting solidarity campaign for Ukraine, “Sounds Of Ukraine”, 22-hour long music marathon of various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Ukraine, hosted by Mutant Radio.
Dancing on Architecture presenting solidarity campaign for Ukraine, “Sounds Of Georgia”, 22-hour long music marathon of various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Georgia, hosted by Mutant Radio.
Dancing on Architecture presenting solidarity campaign for Ukraine, “Sounds Of Poland”, 20-hour long music marathon of various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Poland, hosted by Mutant Radio.
in celebration of 30 years of diplomatic relations within Georgia & Japan, Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ Presents 20-hour long music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of Japan” at Mutant Radio’s physical space. hosted by Mutant Radio.
Sounds of Iran
On April 2-3, Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ Presents 15-hour long music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of Iran” at Mutant Radio’s physical space. During these days we will play & present various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Iran.
Sounds of Norway
On Dec 16 Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ presents music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of Norway” at TES Garden space.
During marathon we will play & present various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Norway.
To Enter into TES Garden's physical space for this event, you will need to make Entrance solidarity Contribution – 10 GEL. All the proceeds from this event will be donated to children in need.
Sounds of Brazil
On July 8-9, Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ Presents 15-hour long music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of Brazil” at Mutant Radio’s physical space. During these days we will play & present various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Brazil.
Sounds of Nigeria
24-25 Septembers 2023, Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ Presents 15-hour long music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of Nigeria” at Mutant Radio’s physical space. During these days we will play & present various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Nigeria.
16-17 February 2024, Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ Presents 15-hour long music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of Palestine” at Mutant Radio’s physical space. During these days we will play & present various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Palestine.
16-17 February 2024, Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ Presents 15-hour long music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of Palestine” at Mutant Radio’s physical space. During these days we will play & present various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Nigeria.
On April 6-7, 2024, Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ Presents 15-hour long music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of India” at Mutant Radio’s physical space. During these days we will play & present various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over Iran.
On April 6-7, 2024, Georgian Music Journalist & Selectors Collective, „Dancing On Architecture“ Presents 15-hour long music marathon and solidarity campaign “Sounds Of India” at Mutant Radio’s physical space. During these days we will play & present various music genres, different decades & city sounds from all over India.