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Basic and advanced technics of programming the live performance in Ableton Live

Tutor: Grigor Lagidze

Duration: 1 months (9 sessions)

Hours: 4 hours per week

Price: 450 GEL

Language: Georgian / English

Related Courses: Ableton Live / Songwriting & Music Production / Music Production with hint of Songwriting

CES presents course by Grigor Lagidze "Basic and advanced technics of programming the live performance in Ableton Live".

The course includes 9 sessions of theoretical, practical and field training, development of students' existing or upcoming projects and preparation for live performance in Ableton live.

During the course, students will get to know:

  1. venue/stage/event analyzing (venue/stage/event mood and style, lineup and duration timing) intro to session view.

  2. Setting up right gear and equipment (ensuring all technical issues for performance, audio interface, connectivity and functionality of equipment)

  3. Project selection (bpm, drive, harmony matching)

  4. Arranging the clips in a logical order (drive and technical warmuping structure of each project, extra drive and audio design for project) 

  5. Project optimising in session mode (creating transition clips and layers between projects, creating fx s, audio effects and instruments as live performance)

  6. Project optimising in session mode (lengths and looping clips, adjusting project for less use of CPU/RAM. (freezing channels and deleting plugins)

  7. Finalizing live project (Creating live project, mixing live project for best volume limits, mapping and preparing your MIDI gear)

  8. Practising final performance stage of live project. 

  9. Sound Check and Mixing Optimisitaion with venue (Setting up your performance environment, ensuring audio quality and volume levels, confidence and focus for performance) 

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